Monday, December 7, 2009

Cinna the Poets Poem.

Caesar was our great and honourable leader,
He was liked by every one in Rome.
The mantle he had worn was as bright as the stars,
Caesar was a lion,
What ever Caesar said, it was done.
People looked up to Caesar.
Caesar was that star that lite up the sky.
Caesar is our great and honourable leader.
Even now after his assassination,
He will always be the great and honourable Caesar.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weather update-Julius Caesar

Good afternoon Rome, it's Alyssa here with your Romain times news update. It is crazy what is going on around Rome these days! I mean the events that are happening are unbelievable. A local commoner has just been seen running around Rome with fire on his hand as if ten or fifteen torches have joined together, to make one big torch on his hand. The most strange thing is that he doesn't feel the pain of the burning fire on his hand. Also a night bird was seen out during the day. Not to mention a woman was running up and down the streets screaming that men were all on fire. This has never happened in Rome, in all my years of being a weather man I've seen crazy stuff, but never have I seen men on fire, and a night bird out during the day. This is the gods way of telling us that they are mad at us. But for what? Could it be from Caesar killing Pompey? Or is it something totally different? All we know is that for sure it is the gods way of telling us that they are mad. Our ancestors are angry and upset with us. This madness will not stop until we fix what ever it is we have done wrong to upset them or aggravate them. This is Alyssa with your Romain news updates and I will be back tomorrow with more updates for you. Keep safe, and remember, if you see anything else strange happening you can let me know. Thank you!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Do I Love Thee

The authour of my book is Lurlene McDaniel. She has written over 60 other young sudlt books. Some of these books are; Till Death Do Us Part, Telling Christina Goodbye, A Rose For Melinda, and Last Dance. She has many many more books.

My book is about a girl named Shayla who has XP which is a very rare disease. People with XP are "allergic" from the sun. They can not go out into the sun. They also can't be exposed to certain lights. If they are exposed to the sun or these certain lights there skin will burn very easily and can suffer from third degree burn. A boy named Brett had went out one night to take the garbage out for his mom when he noticed her dancing in the moonlight. He talked to her a little bit but then never saw her again for a couple months. He found out that the other kids called her 'Ghost Girl' because she only came out at night and very few people had seen her. Brett found out where she lived and had been talking to her and spending very late nights hanging out with her. Then he fell in love with her. He helps her get through her condition and helps her to live like a normal girl. They spent there time with each other at night when Brett finished work. Shayla was the only one that knew about Brett having Luekimia when he was younger. Near the end Shayla gets in a very bad accedent that leaves Brett and Shayla's family devestated.

The setting of my book is in modern times. They have computers and tv's and cars etc. The atmosphere of my book is loving, upsetting, gloomy, happy, and heart fulfilling. At one point in the book Shayla and Brett out ontoo a boat at night and the moon was full and it was nice and warm and there was a nice summer breeze.They were also mostly in the basement at shaylas house. the basement was nice and cool and she had to use candels for light because of her XP.

The character i chose is Brett. Brett is very curious. I know he is curious because he had wanted to find out where shayla had lived because he wanted to talk to her again. Once he had found out where she lived he went to her house and stepped inside and explored the house intil he found Shayla he had also asked his docter about XP and wanted to know more about it so he could know more about Shaylas Condition. Brett is also very caring. He is caring because when Shayla got in the accedint and when he found out about it he went staight to the hospital. While Shayla was in the hospital he had refused to leave the hospital. He stayed there for weeks because he loved her and cared about her so much and was so worried about her. Therefor I know that Brett is very curious and caring.

I really like this book 'How Do I Love Thee.' It is a very loving book but also very uppsetting. I love all books by Lurlene McDaniel if you give me one of her books I will read it and more than likely love it! There isn't one thing I would change about this book.